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down by the bay

    vintage silk top, vintage Jordache skirt, Rachel Comey boots, random tote bag

    Final shop update went up yesterday! A big thanks to everyone who has purchased something from my blog so far. I really appreciate your support! Sometimes I wonder if I should open an actual online vintage store but even my dinky little shop required more time than I thought so it would have to be a full time gig... wishful thinking, wishful thinking! Anyway, I wore this the other day when Brent and I went to In-N-Out. Usually we would just stay in for most of the day on our computers but the weather in San Francisco has been so nice lately that we actually stepped outside of his apartment for more than an hour.

    Oh, and because someone said that I look down too much in my photos:


    LOL. In addition to In-N-Out we also went to The Buena Vista Cafe for drinks. Oh damn those Irish Coffees were strong.

    buena vistabuena vista
    buena vista